Prospective students

In January 2019 we invited faculty and students across campus to express their interest and ideas for research concepts for the 2019-2020 academic year.  These are the research concepts which emerged. Given that this is the final year of this program, and that we had a very limited number of fellowships available for students, admission for 2019-2020 is open only to students whose faculty advisor engaged in one of the three research concepts. We do, however, welcome anyone who desires to be engaged in the program but does not require a fellowship. Feel free to contact us to discuss this.

*We accept graduate students who have completed at least one year of graduate studies at Oregon State University. **Students must be available Sept. 16th-20th, 2019 to participate in GEO 508- Intensive Field course (IFC) at Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC). ***Students must participate in all three of the MRM 525-Professional Development Series classes. These classes generally meet at 4 P.M. in Fall, Winter, and Spring terms.

We encourage Hispanics, African Americans, American Indians/Alaska natives, as well as women (in computer science, statistics, and mathematics), students from low-income families, rurally isolated students, first-generation college students, veterans, and single parents to apply. Please illustrate how you meet this criteria if applicable.



  1. Letter of interest from student (please see guidelines below).
  2. Letter of support from student’s major advisor.
  3. Unofficial graduate and undergraduate transcripts.
  4. Indication of US citizenship or permanent residency, if applying for a NRT fellowship.
  5. Student ID number and e-mail address.

Description of the program

The goal of the program is to train students to develop a deep understanding of marine issues from multiple perspectives, including natural and social sciences, management, and policy implications.

As such, the program:

  1. Focuses on marine systems and issues by integrating the natural and social sciences with analytical methods.
  2. Focuses on risk and uncertainty through involving discovery, analysis, and engagement.
  3. Approaches issues from a top down (policy-driven) and bottom up (natural science) perspective.

Letter of Interest should include:

  1. Statement of your academic, research, and personal experience and interests as they relate to the NRT program. See also the “Research” and “Training” pages on the NRT website.
  2. Indication of what Conceptual Framework Concept your are interested in.
  3. Students will work on transdisciplinary teams over time. Discuss your strengths in engaging in collaborative activities (e.g. use others work in your work, participate in a peer colloquium, craft a collaboration chapter/publication, participate in a longitudinal evaluation, design a viable completion plan) with your peers.
  4. Description of how your participation in the NRT program (as described above) will help you achieve your goals and the strengths you will bring to the particular project.
  5. Description of your funding plan for completing your degree. If requesting to be considered for a one-year NRT fellowship, state so in the letter. Limited number of one-year NRT fellowships are available for US Citizens and permanent residents, and will be assigned based on financial needs and academic accomplishments. Fellowships include stipend, tuition and benefits.

Letter of support from advisor should include:

  1. Description of how the student can succeed in the NRT program from the three dimensions listed above, specifically addressing potential to develop both strong quantitative skills and deep understanding of the natural and social sciences, management, and policy approaches. See also the “Research” and “Training” pages on the NRT website.
  2. Please illustrate the student’s strength in the Conceptual Framework area for which he/she is applying to.
  3. Examples of how the student will succeed in collaborative, cross-disciplinary team settings.
  4. Evidence of a viable plan for funding for the student for his/her entire degree program.
  5. Describe your explicit commitment for working with the student and other NRT faculty in the training aspects of the program. Specifically, address how you will:
  • follow students progress to finalization of degree,
  • participate in NRT activities,
  • engage with other NRT faculty collaborating with your student.

NOTE: All students will be asked to formally agree to participate in evaluating activities over the course of the program, including the preparation of a student individual development plan (IDP).